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In mid-August, MS2’s Russ Martin, in his role as CEO of the Global Product Stewardship Council (GlobalPSC) tabled a concept paper on regulatory reforms for improved circular economy and climate action in the land and primary industry sectors using biochar during a NSW Parliamentary inquiry into beneficial and productive post-mining land use (Terms of Reference …

Towards a Circular Economy Through Stewardship of Forestry Residues

There are significant opportunities for the forestry and forest products sectors to collaborate with the agriculture, water, transport, energy, and construction sectors to reduce carbon emissions and deliver broader social, economic and environmental benefits. These opportunities can be realised through the development of new markets for low-value wood using innovative technologies and integrated processes. At …

Australia Consults on PV and Small Electronics Regulation

The Australian Government is currently consulting on potential regulation for solar photovoltaics (PV) equipment and small electrical and electronic equipment (SEEE). The Commonwealth has previously stated its intention to regulate SEEE in addition to the existing National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS), and Commonwealth and state governments have committed to developing a product stewardship …

New Zealand Releases E-product Stewardship Scheme Design

In June 2023, TechCollect NZ released background research and scheme design details for a regulated waste electrical and electronic (WEEE) scheme in New Zealand. Details are provided in two detailed reports. TechCollect NZ led the nation’s co-design process for a regulated e-product stewardship scheme with support from their Circular E-stewards Network and input from a …

Stewardship for Forestry Residues

Achieving net zero requires both lowering emissions and adopting negative-emissions technologies. Net zero requires innovative, integrated solutions that optimise existing technologies and approaches while rewarding innovation and sustainable business practices. Forestry and sawmilling residues that could otherwise become ‘wastes’ or pose bushfire risk are critical feedstocks to a range of integrated stewardship initiatives from traditional …